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Trapped-ion quantum information processing experiments at NIST*

Andrew Wilson, National Institute of Standards & Technology

(Session 8 : Saturday from 9:15 - 9:45)

Abstract. We report experiments towards scalable quantum information processing with laser-cooled trapped ions. Quantum information is stored in internal(hyperfine ground) states of ions and gate operations are performed with laser and microwave fields. We describe efforts to implement a recently proposed two-qubit gate [1] which incorporates continuous dynamical decoupling. In one experiment, the ions involved in the two-qubit gate are confined in different potential wells - an architecture that may have applications in quantum simulation. In addition, we briefly summarize recent efforts to increase the speed at which multiple two-qubit gate operations can be performed, and to reduce motional heating in surface-electrode traps. This includes demonstrations of a fast laser-cooling scheme based on Electromagnetically-Induced-Transparency (EIT), a method for rapid transport of ions between confinement zones in a micro-fabricated trap, and an in situ surface-cleaning treatment that reduces electric-field noise. *This work is supported by IARPA, ARO, ONR, DARPA and the NIST Quantum Information Program. [1] A. Bermudez et al., Phys. Rev. A 85, 040302(R) (2012)