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Putting the pieces together: Recent progress with trapped ions at NIST

David Hanneke, National Institute of Standards and Technology

(Session 2 : Friday from 9:15-9:45)

Abstract. Storing quantum bits in the internal states of trapped atomic ions has proven a successful approach to quantum information processing because of long coherence times and precise interaction with light fields for coherent control and entanglement generation. Here, we present an experiment that combines a complete set of scalable techniques to realize a programmable two-qubit quantum processor. We also highlight other work at NIST that aims at facilitating the realization of large-scale quantum processors using trapped ions. This work includes the development of scalable trap technologies, studies of dynamical-decoupling techniques for memory preservation, and progress towards large scale entanglement generation and quantum simulation. *Work supported by DARPA, NSA, ONR, IARPA, Sandia, and the NIST Quantum Information Program.