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A scalable, high-speed measurement-based quantum computer using trapped ions

Rene Stock, University of Toronto

(Session 5 : Friday from 5:00-7:00)

Abstract. A scalable, high-speed measurement-based quantum computer using trapped ions R. Stock, D. F. V. James Department of Physics, University of Toronto, Canada The tremendous progress achieved in the control of trapped ions has recently led to the creation of an entangled state of eight ions. The entanglement of many more ions for large-scale quantum computer seems very feasible. However, the slow entangling gate and slow readout of ions hinder fast operations and will limit the practical use of a future ion-trap quantum computer. One-way (i.e. measurement-based) quantum computing architectures offer a way out by parallelizing the slow entangling operations to create a many-body entangled state and by processing quantum information via fast readout and measurement of qubits. In this work, we investigate the challenges involved in developing a high-speed one-way quantum-computing scheme for ions. We devise an architecture for the creation of many-body entangled states and show how a 3D cluster state suitable for error correction can be efficiently mapped to 2D ion-trap architectures. We propose the projective measurement of ions via multi-photon photoionization for nanosecond measurement and operation, and discuss the viability of such a scheme for Ca ions.