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One-dimensional Bose gases on atom chips

Thorsten Schumm, Technical University of Vienna

(Session : Thursday from )

Abstract. One-dimensional Bose-gases on atom chips Thorsten Schumm1, S. Manz1, T. Betz1, R. Bücker1, C. Koller1, A. Perrin1 Sebastian Hofferberth1,2, I. Lesanovsky3, J. Schmiedmayer1 1Atominstitut der Österreichischen Universitäten, TU Wien, A–1020 Vienna, Austria 2Department of Physics, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA 3Institut für Theoretische Physik, Universität Innsbruck, A-6020 Innsbruck, Austria We realize one-dimensional Bose gases in a tightly confining waveguide on an atom chip. In the weakly interacting regime, these systems are characterized by enhanced fluctuations (thermal and quantum) of the phase field. Matter-wave interferometry represents the ideal tool to investigate static and dynamical properties of these fluctuations. We present measurements of the full distribution function of contrast in interferometry with independently created one-dimensional samples and extract information about high order correlations. Investigating different system sizes, we isolate the contributions of quantum and thermal noise [1]. Dynamically splitting a single one-dimensional sample introduces a mutual coherence, which represents a highly non-equilibrium state of the system. We study the decoherence dynamics and find it to be driven by thermally induced phase fluctuations [2]. Introducing an adjustable tunnelling counterbalances the decoherence. References [1] S. Hofferberth, I. Lesanovsky, T. Schumm, J. Schmiedmayer, A. Imambekov, V. Gritsev, E. Demler, Probing quantum and thermal noise in an interacting many-body system, Nature Phys. 4, 489-495 (2008) [2] S. Hofferberth, I. Lesanovsky, B. Fischer, T. Schumm, and J. Schmiedmayer, Non-equilibrium coherence dynamics in one-dimensional Bose gases, Nature 449, 324-327 (2007)