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Comparison between continuous wave and pulsed laser EQKD

Patrick Rice, Los Alamos National Lab

(Session 12 : Sunday from 11:15-11:45)

Abstract. Entangled quantum key distribution (EQKD) is a secure protocol that is based on fundamental quantum mechanics and is not vulnerable to these threats. The primary figure of merit for QKD systems is the ability to generate secret bits. However, to date, methods that have been developed to simulate the secret bit rate generation for EQKD systems have been limited by techniques that do not provide a complete description of the quantum state produced by the source. In this talk, I show a complete description and comparison of the secret bit rate for continuous-wave and pulsed laser EQKD systems. In particular, I highlight the relevant Poissonian and thermal photon statistics that affect the EQKD secret bit rate and use practical system parameters and configurations to show regimes where one expects optimal performance for each case.