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Diagnosis of Pulsed Squeezing in Multiple Temporal Modes

Scott Glancy, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Boulder, Colorado

(Session 5 : Friday from 5:00-7:00)

Abstract. When one makes squeezed light by downconversion of a pulsed pump laser, many temporal / spectral modes are simultaneously squeezed by different amounts. There is no guarantee that any of these modes matches the pump or the local oscillator used to measure the squeezing in homodyne detection. Therefore the state observed in homodyne detection is not pure, and many photons are present in the beam path that do not lie in the local oscillator's mode. These problems limit the fidelity of quantum information processing tasks with pulsed squeezed light. I will describe our attempts to make coherent state superpositions (sometimes called "cat states") using photon subtraction from squeezed light, the problems caused by multimode squeezing, and methods to characterize the contents of the many squeezed modes.