
Last Updated: January 6, 2014

Grading Policy:

CPS (Clicker) = 10%;   Written Homework = 10%;     Mastering Physics Homework = 10%;    Exams (Best 3 of 4) = 45%,     Final = 25%

Homework will not be accepted after they are due. No make-up exams or other work.  I drop one exam (see above) and the Final Exam can be replaced by the average of ALL FOUR exams, so you can, in principle miss any one of the exams, but no more.  No exceptions to this policy.


Letter grades are assigned as follows:

A+ = 97 - 100%      A = 93 - 97%      A- = 90 - 93%     

B+ = 87 - 90%      B = 83 - 87%      B- = 80 - 83%

C+ = 77 - 80%      C = 73 - 77%      C- = 70 - 73%

D+ = 67 - 70%      D = 63 - 67%      D- = 60 - 63%

F = below 60%

For comments or changes contact Douglas Fields.